Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mesa Canals 14: Consolidated Canal to Coffee at Bergies in Gilbert

I can't believe that it's taken me almost two weeks to write this down:  I'll put it down to the flu (apparently, Arizona's the nationwide epicenter this week).  I also can't believe that this is the first Mesa Canals post in almost a year.

Anyhow, this is a great trip that I realize I haven't documented anywhere in this series, though it does intersect with Mesa Canals 10:  the Sun Circle Route for the last westbound mile.

First, this is the Consolidated Canal, which runs northwest to southeast roughly paralleling Gilbert Road.  I'd ridden this canal route before it was paved, and before the installation of traffic lights at most of the major street intersections.  Before these improvements it was iffy, and now it's approximately 8 miles of ease between 8th Street/Adobe and Bergies Coffee on Gilbert Road in downtown.  Almost the whole of the distance is paved, and almost all of the major intersections have special bike-pedestrian lights.  The two that don't (on the southern end of the route) are a little concerning, but can be used with care.

It was also a great morning, though it turned out to be unseasonably cold (probably the last time anyone will say that this year, though here's hoping).  It was a post-race warm down for Monster Media rider Beth Everhart, her Fasturdays and life partner Steve Cullen, cousin Yancy Everhart, friend Adam Burleson and me.  The East-coasters turned out to be more thin-blooded than one might think, but the sun was warm and the coffee was great!

P.S.  Beth took 3rd in the Senior Women Valley of the Sun Stage Race GC!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter and I really enjoyed the ride. I took my new e-bike for its maiden voyage. It was a pleasant ride and my daughter had not been to Old Town Gilbert. We were going to have a cup of coffee but the shop was closed, had to settle for margaritas and street tacos instead!
